Understanding the Benefits of Collagen Supplements

Collagen, a vital structural protein in the human body, plays a crucial role in the health and wellness of our skin, hair, joints, bones, and connective tissues. With the natural decline in collagen production as we age, many turn to collagen supplements to counteract signs of aging and promote overall health. Codeage offers a variety of collagen products designed to support these areas.

Enhanced Skin Health Collagen is integral to the skin’s structure, strength, elasticity, and hydration. As collagen production decreases with age, incorporating collagen supplements into a beauty routine may help support healthy-looking skin. Codeage’s Multi Collagen Peptides Powder provides a blend of five different collagen types, sourced from grass-fed bovine, wild-caught fish, and pasture-raised chicken. This complex offers 18 amino acids, aiding in daily supplementation.

Hair Health and Strength Collagen powder may benefit hair health by supplying essential amino acids like glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. These components are crucial for the structure and strength of hair. Glycine, the smallest amino acid, acts as a building block for collagen. Proline contributes to collagen’s structure, while hydroxyproline supports collagen integrity, potentially impacting hair strength and structure. These amino acids are also necessary for keratin production, a primary component of hair. Although research is ongoing, some individuals report improved hair texture and shine from regular collagen powder consumption.

Codeage’s Marine Collagen, sourced from wild-caught marine sources, provides a sustainable, meatless option rich in collagen peptides types 1 & 3, and 18 essential amino acids.

Support for Joint Mobility Collagen found in cartilage, tendons, and ligaments may contribute to joint health. It helps maintain the structure and elasticity of cartilage, acting as a cushion between joints. In tendons and ligaments, collagen provides strength and flexibility, facilitating smooth joint movement and stability. Codeage’s Multi Collagen Protein + Joints Blend combines collagen with hyaluronic acid, bromelain, turmeric and ginger root extracts, Boswellia serrata, and astaxanthin to offer comprehensive joint support.

This product is designed for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, or those seeking to enhance their joint health, providing a convenient solution for maintaining joint function and supporting an active lifestyle.


  1. Barati et al. (2020) in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology discuss the role of collagen supplementation in skin health, highlighting its potential benefits in maintaining skin structure and hydration.
  2. Bragulla and Homberger (2009) delve into the structure and functions of keratin proteins in various epithelia, underlining the importance of amino acids in hair health.
  3. Martínez-Puig et al. (2023) explore the link between collagen supplementation and joint health, emphasizing the importance of collagen in the maintenance of joint function.

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